Group Speech Coaching
On Pitch Speech Coaching offers group classes for public speaking and helps emerging and established leaders, entrepreneurs and change makers to develop a powerful speaking presence enabling them to engage, inspire and persuade. Cathy works with individuals and groups in three formats.
For the last 20 years, Cathy Motley-Fitch has been on a mission to impact the lives of emerging and established leaders, entrepreneurs and leaders to help them uncover their most powerful voice and dynamic presence.

On Pitch Speakeasy:
The On Pitch Speakeasy is a 6 session course for small groups between 3-10 participants. This course is held online, 90 minute sessions, once per week.
*Option for one in-person class.
Click below to contact Cathy to schedule a custom date for your group.
Overview :
The On Pitch Speakeasy masterclass introduces the core essentials for compelling speech production. Together in a small group environment, you will learn skills to improve your voice when presenting, techniques to engage your audience and recommendations to transform your on and off camera presence.
This virtual class provides hands-on training as you learn, observe and share with fellow participants in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. As an added bonus, you will receive a guide to design a perfect elevator pitch to practice your newly refined skills. Perfect for those who want to fully comprehend the impression they leave when speaking and practice ways to improve immediately!

Workshop includes:
Four virtual 90-minute, small group sessions
The comprehension your voice value to your personal and professional relationships
Introduction to skills for a stronger voice such as pitch, tone and volume
Assessment of your speech and presentation
Breathwork exercises to increase vocal projection and stamina
Evaluation of your on-camera background, lighting, sound and ways to improve
Skills to increase your on-camera engagement
Allotted individual time for practice during each session
Observation of others to expedite your understanding of newly learned skills
Results you can expect:
Confidence to present in front of an audience
A more compelling presence
An improved, authoritative voice
The ability to command attention in a meeting
An appealing on-camera background that doesn’t distract
A captivating speech that engages and inspires
Less anxiety when it’s your time to shine
​A wow factor that will ensure you are remembered and requested

Elevate Your Presence
The Elevate Your Presence workshop is a 3-hour session for groups of between 5 and 10 participants. It may be done online or in person in the greater Richmond, Virginia-area (or beyond for an additional fee).
Click below to contact Cathy to schedule a custom date for your group.
The Elevate Your Presence workshop is voice and presence training taught in a group setting to expedite learning. Participants receive hands-on training and benefit from observing strategies implemented and demonstrated by other participants. Cathy’s fun, relaxed manner focuses on participants’ strengths and encourages people to embrace and capitalize on their unique qualities.
Workshop includes:
3-hour, hands-on group session with time built in for individualized focus
Opportunity to practice a speech, sales pitch, elevator pitch or any content of your choice
Personal evaluation of vocal tone and body language
Techniques for improved vocal projection, tone and inflection
Practice using breath work to improve your sound
Exercises including body scan and alignment work for better posture
Mindset exercises to calm your nerves, or your ego, to help you feel excited to present
Feedback and content review of your presentation
Methods to replace bad habits with good ones
Tips to make your presentation more entertaining and presence more captivating
Exercises to develop a more confident or approachable appearance

Results you can expect:
The ability to command a room of any size
A stronger, more confident voice
A more captivating presence
A more polished, entertaining way of speaking
The confidence to engage, inspire and persuade
Increased likeability in your presentation style
Excitement to share your message

The Vocal Power Happy Hour
The vocal power happy hour is a 1 hour presentation for a minimum of 5 participants. It may be held online or in person in the greater Richmond, Virginia-area (or beyond for an additional fee).
Click below to contact Cathy to schedule a custom date for your group.
Overview :
The Vocal Power Happy Hour will educate you on the crucial role your voice and presence play in the success of your personal and professional relationships. One hour with Cathy will give your group an introduction to speech and presentation techniques that will have an immediate impact on participants’ ability to communicate effectively. The Vocal Power Happy Hour is a fun and powerful addition to a corporate retreat, sales team training or networking event.

Workshop includes:
1 hour interactive presentation
Discovery activities on first impressions
An introduction to somatic (body based) voicework
Methods to improve your body language
Tips to control your voice so it is reliable and compelling
What you can expect:
A better understanding of the role your voice plays in your personal and professional relationships
An education in how the voice is produced so you can enhance yours
Ideas for how to improve your speaking skills
Mindset shift that will get you excited about leading

Your voice is the essence of you. When you invest in speech coaching and work with Cathy, you will receive tools to assure your voice will always perform the way you need it to, control how others perceive you, and effectively market yourself to invite positivity and success both professionally and personally, everyday.
Click here to schedule a complimentary 15-minute call with Cathy