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Writer's pictureCathy Motley-Fitch

Speech Coaching Tips For Vocal Leadership.

A woman giving a presentation to a group
corporate woman presenting to colleagues

Speech Coaching Tips For Improved Vocal Leadership Will Show You, It's More About What You Say And Less About How You Say It:

The sound of a leader’s voice conveys trust, confidence, and authority. It can inspire and motivate people to take action. The sound of your voice can make the difference in you being respected as a leader, or being dismissed as an ineffective communicator.

Whether you’re speaking to a small team or addressing an audience of hundreds, well-developed voice skills can have a lasting impact on how people perceive you.

Common Challenges of Leading a Team:

Confident woman speaker on megaphone in front of a crowd
Woman speaking on a megaphone to a crowd

Your voice is an integral part to help you handle and resolve challenges. Not only must you relay orders, but it's important that you inspire people to do their best work and help them achieve the goals of the organization. Some leaders struggle with being heard over the noise of daily operations. There can be a disconnect between what they say and how it is received, leaving a team to feel disgruntled and uninspired.

Vocal Leadership Includes Delegating Responsibilities

It can be difficult to effectively delegate responsibilities when members of your team aren’t sure what you expect of them. Providing clear and concise direction with a strong voice can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and that tasks are delegated appropriately.

Motivating Employees

Leaders need to be able to motivate their teams and inspire them to reach their potential. Think of sporting events, when we are on the sidelines we rarely sit by quietly. We cheer, smile and project our voices to motivate the athletes. As you employ speech coaching tips for improved vocal leadership, you will begin to use a more confident tone and positive presence, to create connection, a sense of enthusiasm and a shared purpose.

Handling Conflicts

When a disagreement threatens to derail progress, the leader needs to step in and find a solution. It’s important to show empathy and listen to all sides of a situation. A strong vocal presence can help keep the conversation on track. It’s crucial to ensure that everyone feels heard. Listening is essential to engage and inspire your employees.

You Aren’t Born with a Naturally Powerful Voice:

three happy little girls screaming with excitement in front of white bloom trees
three happy little girls

Over time, the way we use our voice changes because of the way we are expected to behave. Think back, as a child how many times you were told to, “Please, BE QUIET!” Or as a teenager, “Stop talking back?” In our formative years, these requests shape how we use our voice. Your response may have been correct as a teenager, but perhaps the way you said it dictated how those around you responded.

Speech coaching helps remove any blocks you have about using a more powerful voice or engaging tone. This is vital when we seek to improve our status and employment positions.

When you learn how you how to access all the characteristics of the voice, embrace your natural sound, you will master the art of speaking effectively as you begin to use your voice as a tool.

To Sound More Professional, You Must Refine 5 Key Characteristics Of Your Voice :

  1. Tone

  2. Pitch

  3. Inflection

  4. Rhythm

  5. Volume

Speech Coaching will help develop you Vocal Leadership as you learn to apply these characteristics to help you use your voice as a tool and help you sound more professional.

  1. Choose a conversational but authoritative tone that’s confident yet friendly to show respect for your team and make them feel comfortable in expressing their ideas.

  2. Notice if you are speaking in a high or low pitch on certain words to emphasize your meaning.

  3. Raise and lower your pitch using inflection to ensure you are conveying exactly what you mean.

  4. Rhythm and volume can be used to grab attention and captivate people with your content.

  5. Learn to enunciate clearly and embrace the use of pauses for emphasis where needed.

These qualities help to create a powerful vocal presence that can increase your potential as a more effective leader.

When you are in control of your voice, you are in control of how you are perceived.

Listen To Your team For Better Results

Effective leaders are able to be present and actively listen to the people they lead. Listening is one of the foundations on which leadership qualities are built. Fostering an open dialogue makes employees feel valued and heard. When you convey your message with confidence and conviction, people will trust your words and take action.

  1. Be direct and clear about what needs to be done so there's no room for confusion when communicating your expectations.

  2. Speak in an encouraging and supportive tone, when providing positive outcomes and constructive criticism.

  3. Don't just present your ideas and viewpoint - believe what is you are saying!

These behaviors will help foster a positive environment that is conducive to growth. Confidence and assertiveness are skills that any leader needs to possess.

Why Sound Matters When Leading:

The sound of your voice is an integral part of communication. It conveys more than just the words you’re saying; it also expresses emotion and energy.

People are more likely to take you seriously if they can hear enthusiasm and confidence in your voice.

A confident older woman in a green shirt against a purple background arms in the air
Confident older woman throwing arms in the air

A strong, dynamic presence will help give your words impact and make it easier for people to connect with what you’re saying.

In addition, our facial expressions also play a role in how people perceive us when we speak. Smiling, maintaining eye contact, and using hand gestures can help you to appear more confident and engaging.

How to Develop Your Leadership Voice

Designing your most powerful voice is the first step to creating your most dynamic presence. The tone of your voice conveys the tone of your message. It has the power to influence how people perceive you, from inspiring confidence in your direction to earning the respect of your peers. Clarity, confidence, and sincerity are key. Clarity ensures that your message is understood, confidence builds trust in what you’re saying, and sincerity helps to establish a connection.

5 Tips For Speakers To Develop a Strong, Effective Voice:

  1. Leadership mindset: Mentally prepare yourself before speaking by focusing on the message you want to convey. Know your intention before you walk into the room.

  2. Breath support: A low, deep inhalation before speaking will create a grounded and supported tone to give your words more power.

  3. Posture: A tall, lengthened spine with a slightly raised chin can project strength.

  4. Purpose: When you speak with purpose, you can make the impact you desire.

  5. Variation: Add variation to your voice through tone, pitch, rhythm, inflection and volume to make your message engaging and inspiring.

How Does Breath Support Impact Your Voice?

Breath support helps to control the quality of your sound. As you inhale, the lungs fill with air and the stomach relaxes OUT - like a full balloon. As you exhale, the diaphragm raises slightly helping to push the air up and out through the airway. This causes the vocal folds, which are housed in the larynx located in your neck, to vibrate and create sound waves or... your voice. Learning how to effectively control the air helps you use your voice more dynamically and powerfully. A well supported sound is full and resonant to carry well over larger groups of people.

By changing and controlling the characteristics of the voice when speaking, you can keep people engaged and focused on what you’re saying.

What If Your Voice Is Too Soft or Quiet?

A blond woman dressed in feathers, pears and poof black hat telling us to be quiet.
woman saying be quiet

If your voice is too soft, one of the easiest ways to make it stronger is to practice speaking "up and out". Practicing in front of a mirror, will also help you identify any areas that need improvement and give honest feedback on how you’re presenting yourself.

In addition, vocal techniques such as projection, enunciation, and articulation will help you create a more powerful sound that carries well and commands attention.

Research shows: Words account for 7% of a successful or unsuccessful interaction. 93% is made up of 38% tonality and 55% body language.

How Does My Body Language Affect My Voice?

The way you hold your body affects how much air you can consume and then use to support your voice. When you tilt your head to the side, it can affect the position of the larynx and its ability to create your optimum sound. In order to strengthen your physical presence, you must pay attention to your body language. Techniques to improve your posture, facial expressions, and hand gestures are also important to ensure proper voice use, display confidence and help you inspire audiences. If you’re speaking in a larger group or setting, stand up tall to help your voice project better and command the room.

You always want to present yourself in the best light possible. Your body language reflects how you’re feeling and can be interpreted by those around you. Maintain good posture, make eye contact, and a smile show that you’re confident and in control.

Engage, Inspire & Persuade Your Team Through Effective Communication:

A man giving a presentation to colleagues or small audience tan background
man giving a presentation to a group

Working with a speech coach helps you embrace your authentic voice and feel more secure in yourself. When people hear confidence in your voice they’ll be more likely to trust and follow your lead.

Increase confidence as a leader

by embracing and sharing what you believe. Set your intention before you begin your meeting. When you fully believe in your ideas, then you will project this through your voice. If you feel energized, you will sound energized. If you feel inspired, you will sound inspired.

Engage Your Audience With Dynamic Stories or Analogies:

to illustrate a point. Letting people connect to an idea or story on a personal level will make them more likely to relate to what you’re saying.

An older gentleman in a pumpkin patch sitting in a chair speaking to a small group of children.
older gentleman speaking to group of children

Adopting a leadership mindset also means listening actively and being open to other people’s ideas. This shows that you value their contributions and are willing to consider different perspectives.

Becoming More Confident at Work

Developing a strong presence at work starts with having the right attitude. Show enthusiasm for your job and be open to learn new things. Cultivating an atmosphere of collaboration and trust encourages people to come together and share their ideas, creating a stronger team dynamic.

Uncovering the Secrets of Strong Leaders:

Strong leaders have a few things in common. They have a vision for success. They are creative, organized and take risks. They possess the ability to inspire team members, manage conflict well and set expectations for others.

Strong leaders can connect with their teams and motivate them to do their best work. They know how to build trust by making sure everyone’s voice is heard. This leads to better communication and collaboration, which helps teams create better results, faster.

It isn’t about having the perfect voice or speaking in the most eloquent way possible,

it's using your voice as a tool to inspire, engage and persuade your team. Leadership is not an innate skill; it’s one that must be learned and honed.

A group of coworkers blue and white shirts giving each other a high five
Colleagues high fiving each other

Take time to reflect on your own communication and leadership style and open to feedback.Your voice plays a major role in how you convey your message, build trust with your team and to engage, inspire and persuade those around you. When you refine your voice, presence and posture you can increase the impact your influence on others.

If you struggle to connect with others or feel as if your message isn’t resonating like it should, a speech coach can help.

Leadership begins with your voice and ability to convey a clear mission, confidently to inspire others to follow your lead. With practice and direction, you can hone these skills and become a more effective leader that people admire.

Cathy Motley-Fitch, founder of OnPitch Speech Coach is a Speech Coach based in Richmond, VA who teaches individuals, groups and teams, online and in person, how to speak effectively and engage, inspire and persuade others through their most powerful voice and dynamic presence!


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